-from Berlin-based “Staiy Magazine” / 17 Oct 22′ We’re sure you often hear of greenwashing when talking about fashion nowadays. Greenwashing is one of the most critical issues in the industry and what you might ask is: why is it everywhere? We got...
-from Berlin-based “Staiy Magazine” / 3 Oct 22′ Discover Werewool, a bio-inspired company that learned from corals how to create natural color, and apply it to develop textiles without using artificial dyes or pigments. Will corals pave the way to a...
-from Berlin-based “Staiy Magazine” / 22 Aug 22′ Fast Fashion continues to dominate much of the fashion industry. Still, here you can learn more about the various downsides of fast Fashion and why those fast fashion pieces don’t suit you...
Bugün sizler için Dünya Bankası Grubu’nun son yayınladığı Ülkelerin Kalkınma ve İklim raporları’ndan hepimizi ilgilendireceğini düşündüğümüz Türkiye ile ilgili raporu inceleyeceğiz. Günümüzde içinde bulunduğumuz iklim krizi, dönüşümleri tetikleyen bir itici güç. Bu...
I would like to start this blog post by listing the news headlines that have caught my attention recently: “Murder, rape, and abuse in Asia’s factories: the true price of fast fashion”, “Violence Against Women Garment Workers Increased During the Pandemic”...